Is he your most influential leader? |
I've known many leaders who use the power of their position to its full strength, and their is nothing wrong with that. They get a high percent of efficiency from their employees. But, what if a leader used more than their positional strength to motivate and influence the people around, and under, them? I'm willing to bet that the people around the 2nd person will consistently outperform the previously stated group.
Iatola Komani, the spiritual, and overall, leader of Iran not only uses his positional power, but also his leadership traits and characteristics to influence the entire country of Iran. He mainly uses spiritual speeches and references to help guide the citizens thoughts in the direction that he wants them to go. Now that is Inspirational Leadership!!!!
Many effective leader's names are well known because they can mix their personal leadership style and effectiveness with the positional leadership authority they possess. President Obama is an excellent example, because he can become instant friends with people, which allows him to influence them, but he also uses his positional power when needed. Those leaders that use both powers, as needed, are going to achieve the greatest success, and influence their priorities the most over the course of history.