Sunday, October 31, 2010

Life Decisions

With course selections just finishing up for the Spring Semester I began pondering my future here at Virginia Tech, and how long it would take me to complete my degree.  There are many contributing factors in the length of my stay here on campus.  Many of them have to do with the hours of coursework at semester and my participation in extracurriculur activities.

I believe that all facets of the college experience contribute to your overall education throughout your time spent at an institution.  These include, in class lectures, out of class assignments, extracurriculur campus activities, and off campus festivities.  These contributions must be weighed against the high cost of living expenses and tuition with each semester that passes while in school.

Now, that careful measurement must be made to see how long I can survive in Blacksburg while a student and achieve all that I have set out to achieve in my student career.  Should I take an extra semester to make sure I can fully focus on my classroom activities?  Or try to take summer classes and stay in town without being able to work full time over the summer to compensate for tuition?  All these decisions must be carefully weighed...

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