Monday, November 1, 2010

Strengths Based Leadership, volume 2

Due to the fact that I messed up with the order of the last entry I will be issuing a 2nd installment of the Strengths Based Leadership Blog.

Do you want to shine?
To reach peoples full potential, they must focus on their strengths instead of their weaknesses.  Think of everyone's leadership potential as a star, with multiple points.  For each point there is a low spot also.  If you were to focus on your weak points your strengths would be diminished and that star would turn into more of a circle, or a blob.  As a leader, we need those strong points, those shining points to focus on, and let others use their strong points to complement ours.

Or be a blob?

Your strengths, as shown example to in a previous post, tend to also be the activities or items you have an interest in or leave a sense of satisfaction when you complete them.  While your weaknesses usually include the ones that you have to force yourself to do, and time never seems to fly by when completing these tasks.  To play to your strengths you are empowering yourself to complete things to the best of your ability because you are enjoying your work.  When they say that if you enjoy what you do you will not work a day in your life they are correct.

Now, you don't need to take the Clifton Strengths Finder Assessment to find out what your strengths are.  All you need to do is take some time throughout the day and write down things that give you a sense of satisfaction while doing them.  After a week of doing this everyday you should have a good list compiled.  With this list pull out your top 5 list of things that make you feel good.  These are your strengths!  Play to your strengths and you will not be disapointed with your life.

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