Saturday, October 2, 2010


The other week I mentioned all the activities that were piling up onto each other, and about the best way to manage all those was to prioritize based off of importance.  I'm taking my advice to heart this weekend!  I got to spend 3 lovely days at Virginia's State Fair this past week, and because of my absence from class and Blacksburg I have neglected my studies.

Me facing my task's in the face!!! 
Now it's time to play catch-up!  I finished as much of my work before I left to help serve BBQ with Block and Bridle, a club on campus, but I still have soooo much work to do it's daunting.  With a paper to write, a few quizzes to study for, and a slew of email's to respond to make for a very busy Saturday, one which I would much rather be watching college football.

Now it's time to buckle down and get the job done.  All I have to accomplish are small task's, and if I stare them in the face one at a time I'll have no trouble accomplishing them.  Just one step at a time...

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